Have you ever noticed when your blogs removed from someone
Else's site? Well i just did i was once linked on
Marckos site just my two copper. He was the reason i began making gold in the first place. I find it discerning to be removed from his blog roll. I guess i shouldn't complain most blog writers
believe that
Marcko is
thing more than a sly
business man. I however have no view other than his site is a great resource and
i'm curious why my blog was removed from the list.
Marcko if your reading this i wouldn't mind an answer you can drop it in the comments.
I guess i may have ran him off with my views on
MJ, I wonder how many people i
alienated for those post? I don't really care maybe they read it and learned something. Maybe it opened their mind to view the world in a different more free way. All i know is that when you have something on your mind that consumes it one way to
alleviate this feeling is to write about it.
MJ policy is one of those subjects for me.
The reason why
im for changing our current
MJ policy is because it was created by racism, lies, and propaganda. That the laws have been enforced unequally causing major harm to minority groups and young people. What little good is caused by the prohibiting the use of
MJ(the safest drug available) is
destroyed when you look at the harms of prohibition itself.
Prohibition has caused an increase in
violence by drug dealers, cartels, gangs and given them a monopoly on
distribution and production of
MJ. It placed parents in jail and broken up families placed teens in jail. Prohibition has given police the ability to plant GPS on your car without a
warrant. Prohibition has allowed police forces to use paramilitary forces to serve
warrants entering homes by kicking down doors instead of knocking. Prohibition has allowed for swat to use
tatics such as shoot dogs when serving
warrants. Prohibition gave cops the power to steal property and sell it profit. Making
MJ bust a great way to profit from the low hanging fruit. Prohibition has
de regulated the sell of drugs allowing anyone even young teenagers 13-14 easy access to drugs through drug dealers.
The reason
im for
MJ policy change and only want legalization is because i know the current laws don't work. Prohibition of
MJ has not ended use of
MJ, Prohibition has not diminished the production or distribution of
MJ. Prohibition has only cost us money destroyed lives and created criminals out of other wise law abiding people. People who just want to be taxed and accepted for their recreational drug of choice. A recreational drug that is safer than most pharmaceuticals, alcohol, or any other drug. A drug that was freely available since
ancient times and used as medicine until 1913 when it was removed from the American
Pharmacopoeia. A drug that grows naturally from a
plant all it needs is tender loving care.
Genisis 11 Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
A plant that if your christian was put here by god for people it was good. A plant that is so safe a person would have to
smoke 80,000 joints in one hour to OD on. A plant that has more uses than just being a
recreational drug.
MJ and hemp its non drug cousin have been used by mankind for years and to forbid the use especially when it harms no other individuals goes against
nature, common since, and the desire of god who said it was good.