Tuesday, December 28

After the Cataclysm"an update to my life"

So since my last post in October allot has changed for me and my family. We moved in with my parents in October and lived there until Dec 21st. During this time with my mom we also got another family pet. A wonderful girl golden retriever puppy. Here is a picture of Abby chasing my son Jude as he rides on his tractor. This was the day we got her.

During this time we were also in the process of buying a house. It was stressful. We lost our first bid and won our second. As the story goes i got a 90k house for around 58k it came with a new heat and air system and stove. We did some work and installed a lamanant wood floor that looks incredable. Especially with the whole house being repainted it feels like a whole new home.

I also got a new job in IT. My company deals with various police departments doing in car camera systems, laptop docks, and matienance. I learn something new every day. Whats even better is they gave me a free phone which is an awesome perk. So the long and short of my life for the last bit was Hectic Crazy, and Rewarding. Heres some pictures i hope you guys enjoy.