Monday, June 14

Cataclysm (making jaws drop since 2010)

So yesterday i finally got a moment to log into the alpha version of wow. I must say my jaw immediately dropped upon entering Orgrimar and seeing all the changes. I then pulled up the talent page to spec my druid again jaw dropped. It seems like I'm playing a new game with familiar elements. The UI is the same but its different. They have refined it creating new interfaces that are sleek and elegant. Then I Realized that I could fly in Org. up I flew. Until I could see the city although it was small from the height i was at. The changes were vast and interesting . Cataclysm is changing wow and I believe its for the better. The changes seem good although I haven't yet made it to the new zones or even killed an equal level monster as a boomkin. I can tell that cataclyms is only going to make me want to spend more time playing.

P.S. Goblins look cool in the character creation screen.

Also should i do more post like this being vague about the different changes? I'm not sure don't want to break the rules. May delete this post if it offends readers and wait until beta to give my impressions. Let me know what you think.


  1. Yes, definitely keep with the vague posts! Part of me actually prefers it being vague, so I get all excited about the surprises coming my way this year!

  2. Any peek at what the medium glyphs look like yet?

  3. Haven't checked ill take a peak at that tonight.

  4. its awesome that your in the alpha !.

    i would just stock up on the info you find and wait till the NDA is lifted and post away :D

  5. Im going to take some screens of the UI and paint over it just so you can see the size change. Some things are larger than current but its clean.

  6. i agree with ShirtFight

  7. Vague posts on the alpha are fine! Don't give specifics yet, don't break the NDA. Give us that kind of information when it's lifted...
