Saturday, March 27

Ink Test.

So here is the math to show how much i'm currently spending for IOTS. In my test i purchased 49 stacks of herbs. This is about the average amount of herbs I purchase mainly because supply is always lower than i would like.

29 stacks of icethorn 14g each 406g
20 stacks of lichbloom 17g each 340g
Total investment 746g
46 snowfall ink and 275 ink of the sea
46 snowfall ink x 8g= 368g
746g-368g(snowfall)= 378g spent on IOTS

378g/275IOTS= 1.3g per ink of the sea which means any glyph that sells for more than 1.8g is pure profit. Hopefully this helps people make the decision to jump into inscription.


  1. Lichbloom is up to 70-80g/stack on my server versus around 10g for lich and adder's and mills to the same so I cringed at Lich being milled.

    Two comments re what economist call opportunity costs:

    Say IOtS is selling for 2g, then selling a glyph for 2g is costing you 50s because you made 200-180=20s profit whereas if you sold your ink you would have made 70s. Glyphs need to be profitable based upon the value of your ink, not its cost.

    It takes a good bit of time doing inscription. Back before the patch, milling a couple of hundred stacks of herbs was twice as tedious. Even converting pigment to ink is not instant, but at least it is one click. Plus deciding the glyphs to make and then selling them. So the opportunity cost is your time that you could have been spent doing dailies or w/e. E.g., If it takes you an hour to research, mill, ink and produce 50 glphs and you make 1g each, then that is 50g/hr and you could do better with dailies.

    It is also why if you are in inscription, might as well do some volume - it doesn't take 600% of time to manage 180 glyphs versus 30. One of the things that makes inscription fun is that it is so much more hardcode than any other profession.

    Thanks for the info and good luck!

  2. I see you went ahead to deduce the value of the snowfall inks from your ink price. I find it interesting enough to try it out myself and just made a post where my formulas are presented for a detailed calculation of QA thresholds :-)

    Have a look
