The first time i played WOW was at a friends house. He had been playing for a few months and let me start a
toon just to try it out. A few hours into playing and i had a level 10 Pally. With BS and mining as my professions. This was when wow hooked me and i finally bought it. I must say
I'm glad i never have to go through the torture of that first install again. It was terrible downloading 1 G
b of data through a 56k modem takes a few days. Around 4 days i think of 8 hours of
D/L at night.
Finally i started my own account but instead of going to a pally i created a M
age. My cousin created a warrior at this time his first
toon. We leveled together until around level 33 on the
mage. I had a free day a week or
so before hitting 30 on the
mage and decided to see if i could PL a pally to 20 in 24 hours. I managed to reach level 20 in 20 hours play time this was
lichking leveling. It was a grind fest with lower
xp the worst part about it was that I wanted my pally to be DPS. Which of course was laughable compared to
mage and pure
dps classes at the time. Eventually i caught up to my cousin and we quested and did dungeons all the way to 60. The only notable thing happening during this time was that at level 52 I decided to throw in my
dps towel and begin healing. My cousin had begun tanking by this time, so getting groups sped up due to having the 2 most needed classes to do a 5 man. We arrived at 60 with
allot more play time than it currently takes to get there.
This was when the dungeon crawl began
pugging strat live and dead,
scholomance. We also did 10 man dungeons
UBRS, and the 20 man raid
ZG. then we transitioned into doing pug MC, and
ONY. He changed to melee
dps for a short time while I became a pally leader. Reminding
pallies to buff every 5 minutes was a pain. I saw
ragnoras a few times never killed him,
ONY however died enough times for me to finally win the roll for the T2 helm. Judgment was the best designed pally set IMO.
BC dropped and I stopped playing the pally, my cousin had begun a Lock and caught up to my
mage so we began leveling to 70 together. We reached 70 but shortly after reaching it i began a druid which I leveled to 50 before switching from alliance to horde. My first horde
toon was a priest that was abandoned at 32, priest are
IMO the most boring leveling class. I then began a warrior named
MSU that would become my main
toon for BC, I got him geared in full t4 and a decent
dps set before wrath dropped.
Lich King I began a
DK as my main char because they were OP and I enjoyed it.
Shortly after
LK dropped I began trying out bid low sell high. I made around 4k gold before quitting wow for around a year. When I came back
TOC was released and ICC was just a few months away. When I came back i became serious about making gold the first 10k was mostly from bid low sell normal. After that i began integrating
professions and raking in the gold. Now
im currently at around 60k gold with a fully geared druid alchemist, a
DK scribe, a enchanter and tailor. I have currently stopped making gold or worrying about it though.
The reason being as i began another pally with 3 pieces of BOA gear. He is a recking ball
dps machine 250
crits at level 10 is OP. I believe
I'm going to play him and enjoy leveling him through the old content
pre cataclysm.
I'M going to begin gathering more BOA pieces to level a goblin shaman in cataclysm. So now instead of logging on to check mail.
I'm logging on to run quest in
bloodelf area because I never completed all the areas quest lines. I have this
toon enchanted with +100
mana to chest and crusader on the weapon. Having more
mana makes leveling much easier. Hopefully i can post some pictures of my paladins journeys through the old world. Currently
I'm level 16 I have to make it to level 60 by cataclysms release.
Sorry for the grammer errors in this post.